10 fosmids
assembled independently
combined consensus sequences
took all 544,620 contigs and filtered to sequences >20,000 bp.
254 sequences
added BACs
= 314 sequences
./cd-hit-est -i /Volumes/Bay4\ scratch/tmp/cgigasv030_BAC.fa -o /Volumes/Bay4\ scratch/tmp/cgigasv030_BAC_cdhit -M 2500
at 260 clusters
adding 12 select sequences.
raw_v030 = 544,620 contigs
./cd-hit-est -i /Volumes/Bay4\ scratch/temp/raw_v030.fa -o /Volumes/Bay4\ scratch/temp/raw_v030_cdhit -M 2500
mparing sequences from 469926 to 544620
.......... 540000 finished 201921 clusters
544620 finished 203216 clusters
Apprixmated maximum memory consumption: 2500M
writing new database
writing clustering information
program completed !
Total CPU time 21714